Who is TPRO Consulting LTD?
TPRO Consulting LTD is a family firm that specializes in connecting people with their money.
Tony Provenzano, the founder of TPRO Consulting LTD, is a graduate of John Marshall Law School. He and his wife Susan reside in Palos Heights, IL. Tony has three adult sons and is the proud grandfather to seven adult grandchildren.
TPRO Consulting LTD is an Illinois Corporation duly registered and certified in the state of Illinois. Please click here to view our Certificate of Good Standing. You may also contact the Illinois Secretary of State’s office at 800-252-8980 or 217-785-3000 to verify our registration in the state of Illinois.
How did we find you?
Every day, Tony and his team do exhaustive research with banks, insurance companies, brokerage houses and other financial institutions to locate abandoned or unclaimed property. They work every day to reconnect people with their money.
What are we asking you to do?
If you are visiting this website, it's most likely because we have contacted you about money we found that is YOURS. The next step is easy... Call us. If you prefer, please have your attorney call us. Once we have a working agreement in place, we will provide the location of the funds and explain the claim recovery process. You can view our agreement here.
How do we get paid?
Let me be absolutely clear; our firm does not receive a single dollar until you have received your money in full. ONLY AFTER YOU HAVE YOUR MONEY IN FULL DO WE RECEIVE OUR FEE.
We provide you with the location of your funds and the details to submit your claim.
YOU submit the claim in YOUR name.
The settlement check is made payable to YOU.
The settlement check is mailed to YOU.
YOU deposit the check into YOUR account.
You mail us a check for our agreed upon fee.
YOU handle the funds at all times.
TPRO Consulting never, at any time, handles YOUR funds.
What is your next step?
Call us. That's it. Call us. If you prefer, have your attorney call us. Once we have our Agreement in place, we will give you the details of how to get YOUR money into YOUR hands.
(708) 224-1650 | protony22000@yahoo.com | 13155 S Oak Ridge Trail, Palos Heights, IL 60463